CBSE Term 1 exams for major subjects: COVID-19 rules and items allowed


oi-Vicky Nanjappa


Google Oneindia News

New Delhi, Nov 25: The CBSE Term 1 Exam for major papers begins next week and for the same COVID-19 guidelines as well as the items allowed into the exam hall have been released. More details are available on the official website.

CBSE Term 1 exams for major subjects: COVID-19 rules and items allowed

The CBSE exams will be held in offline mode across various centres in the country. The board has issued a list of guidelines and SOPs for the safety of the students. More details are available on

CBSE Term 1 exams for major subjects: COVID-19 rules and items allowed:

Candidates must carry masks and hand sanitisers inside the exam hall

Candidates must carry the CBSE admit card

Carry a blue or black ballpoint pen to fill in the response on the CBSE OMR sheet. Using pencil would be considered as an unfair practice.

All instructions and SOPs must be followed at the CBSE exam centre.

Mobile phones, electronic devices, electronic gadgets are banned into the exam centre.

Story first published: Thursday, November 25, 2021, 10:56 [IST]

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